Hi Dylan! So what made want to get involved with this film? Did you relate to the script? Did you know people like this in high school?
Everybody can relate to it in their own way and I was very similar to it in the sense that I was kind of lovestruck with girls always, and always had a funny time with girls because I was shy, but had strong feelings that could very easily crush. And you know, when you’re that age you just don’t know what to do with all of that. So that, for me, was kind of a very personal and relatable thing that was specific to the story and specific to my life. I even had a friend who I was like in love with who was just my friend. So when I read the script, I loved it so much because it was such a nice drawback to something that was still so fresh in my mind. I was 19 when I did the movie, and this was all two years beforehand. It was all still so fresh with me. So I think I was able to connect to it really easily.
What was the most challenging thing about playing Dave? Anything you wanted to over-prepare for?
I don’t think I over-prepared or anything. I think the challenge was playing a very honest character and a very honest storyline. For me, as a person, I’m very internal. I’m very kind of aware of myself and hesitant to open up. So to play a character who instinctively, without even realizing it, opens up and wears all of his emotions, and is very external in his thought and his perception of things, just playing a very honest version of yourself in a way was a challenge.
How much of your portrayal of Dave was written on the page and how much of it did you get to play with a little bit?
It was a perfect balance, I would say, between Jon’s written dialogue and my adlibbing habit. Because Jon’s words would always kind of fit into my mouth just right. And he let me freely speak in the sense that I could recite the entire film by the time we started shooting because we rehearsed it so much. It was just kind of however I was saying it. It was pretty loose in regards to, not improving, but being able to say the lines how I would say them and just talk how I would talk. I think that was a very important thing for him. He wanted us to talk to each other how we would actually talk and he captured that in the writing. And it only got more collaborative as we all came together and he started changing things when he heard us speaking and saying the lines. Some things would work and some things wouldn’t, and eventually it kind of came together to be the characters. I was always very comfortable and very understanding of Jon’s words he put on the page. So I would never discard them ever, but they inspired me to say other things or say them in a different way.
“The First Time” Press Mega Post
Over last few days Dylan has been doing a bunch of press for “The First Time” and instead of doing single posts for each, I decided to make one huge post of the different interviews and videos! There will also be more interviews to view when you clicking read more on the bottom of the post. Enjoy!
Collider Interview
Collider: How did you come to be a part of this film? Was it just an audition, or was it something you specifically pursued?
DYLAN O’BRIEN: It was an audition for me, like any other thing. The only thing that separated this film was that it was something that me, my manager and my agents all just really loved and really thought that I was right for it. For me, the script and subject matter was so personal to me. This was all still very fresh in my mind, too. I was 19 years old and this had all just happened to me, two years prior. So, it was really refreshing, in that sense, and in the sense that it’s entirely different than any other script I was reading or going out for. It’s a teen comedy, but none of it was raunchy or tasteless. It was really classy and really sweet, and a really true, honest, endearing story. Jon [Kasdan] changed a lot with the script and was writing the whole way, but he has such an understanding of relationships and how people communicate with each other. It’s fascinating because I don’t [have that]. It’s really incredible when somebody has such a beat on it.
Examiner.com Interview
Question: “The First Time” has significantly more intelligence and emotional depth than most movies made for this particular demographic. Is that what drew you to this particular project?
Answer: You hit the nail on the head. That is what separates this movie from other teen comedies that are being made nowadays. It has got character depth and conflict. [Writer/director Jon Kasdan] was not afraid to make these teenagers smart. For some reason, it has become kind of normal for teenagers in movies to be dumb over the last 10 years. I also think that it is an amazing accomplishment for Jon to have not only gotten this movie made but to do it the way he wanted to.
2 Exclusive Clips: “The First Time’
To say The First Time is one of 2012’s most enjoyable, charming and heart-humping films is something of an understatement since, the truth is, I loved this movie so hard it borders on inappropriate.
Starring Teen Wolf’s Dylan O’Brien and The Secret Circle’s Britt Robertson, the film is in many ways akin to a stage play with their characters, Dave and Aubrey, meeting cute, and spending the remainder of the weekend talking their way into one another’s hearts.
The dialogue rings so true there are moments where you wonder if writer/director Jon Kasdan has been sneaking peeks at your high school diary and cribbing the best lines. But words are just that until an actor performs them and the electricity that infuses every word and every shared scene is nothing short of remarkable. If their respective small screen work hadn’t already revealed this to you, Dylan and Britt will be massive stars and The First Time is a sensational showcase for both.
TheInsider.com is proud to present an exclusive clip from The First Time, opening October 19!
Love hurts—literally.
“Teen Wolf” actor Dylan O’Brien and former “Secret Circle” actress Britt Robertson star as two teens falling in love in the upcoming romantic comedy “The First Time.” And in anticipation of the film’s release, Hollywood Crush has snagged an EXCLUSIVE clip that will make you swoon. Then wince.
In the first look above, Britt’s Aubrey and Dylan’s Dave are in the middle of an intimate conversation (we saw that lean in, kids!), when Audrey’s boyfriend Ronny (played by James Frecheville) busts in, and well, things get ugly from there. I mean, someone actually throws out the line: “You pretentious little Belle and Sebastian…”
…We can’t wait to see how this one turns out!
“The First Time,” which also stars Victoria Justice, Molly Quinn and Lamarcus Tinker, hits theaters tomorrow.
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“The First Time” Official Site Launched!
Looks like the official site for “The First Time” has launched! There’s not much on it yet except theater listings, reviews and the synopsis of the movie, but I’m sure over the next few days more things will be added! Check it out by clicking above or clicking here!
Dylan Talks ‘The First Time’ Movie and Spills His Worst H.S. Party Moment!
Have you heard of The First Time? It’s a new movie about losing your virginity in high school, and it stars none other than Teen Wolf hottie Dylan O’Brien.
In the flick (which we totally loved, BTW), Dylan plays a shy high school senior named Dave who’s had a crush onVictoria Justice for years, but ends up falling for Britt Robertson during one crazy weekend. Lucky ladies!
We got a chance to sit down with Dylan last week in Los Angeles, where he told us all about his own high school experience, and, yep, losing his virginity!
He also shares a horror story from one of the parties he attended in high school. You’ve gotta wait till the end of the video to find out what happened to him!
Will you be checking out The First Time when it hits theaters on Friday?