What can viewers expect from the remainder of the season, and how will your character continue to evolve?
O’BRIEN: Throughout the season, Stiles is on his own a little more than at the beginning. When we started, Scott and Stiles were so inseparable and are pretty much together in every scene, but then they hit a couple bumps along the way, with the wolf thing. Things become a little less of a joke for Stiles, and a little more serious and conflicting for him, towards the end ofthe season. There are choice to be made, but he still stays loyal, the whole way, and is really heroic, in a way. Look out!
What is The First Time about and who do you play in it?
O’BRIEN: It’s a quirky little coming-of-age love story that’s a romantic comedy in the style ofSay Anything, which is nice ‘cause I feel like that’s been strayed away from a little bit, in recent years. It takes place over one weekend, literally from a Friday night to a Monday morning, and it’s about this kid Dave, who I play. I’m a senior in high school who’s ready to go off to college, and I’m completely head-over-heels in love with my best friend in the world, who’s played by Victoria Justice, but that’s just not how it is with us. You know very little about the backstories of me or Britt’s character. I just run into Britt, who I don’t know, and we randomly meet at a party. We’re both in the middle of our own lives and are not even expecting each other to be anything interesting, but we have this wild night and weekend. It’s real. It’s just so truthful, and it’s really sweet. It’s nice to be a part of something like that and be able to tell a story that everybody goes through, whereas six months out of the year, I’m telling a story that really nobody goes through. Nobody is a werewolf.
Collider “Exclusive” Interview
08 July 2011